Westcroft Judo Club (Nork)

Below are links to documents covering the key philospophical, moral and technical principles of judo. 

Judo was developed first and foremost as a system of mental and physical education.  Competition has always been part of judo as progress in skill acquisition needs to be tested and demonstrated  (ie 5 tests at each of 5 dan grades).  The systematic winning of medals was not part of the orignial philosophy of the founder, Jigoro Kano, but is nevertheless an attraction and motivation to many who take up the sport.

Fundamental Principles of Judo:

  • Maximum efficient use of mental and physical power
  • Mutual benefit

Requisite Traits of a Yudansha (dan grade or black belt)

  • Shin  (Personal Conduct/Morality - see below)
  • Ghi (Technical knowledge - ability to demonstrate the two fundamental principles of judo above)
  • Tai (Demonstration of two fundamental principles of judo in competitive environment)

(Adapted from French Judo Federation, and also used by Canadian Judo Federation, as a conceptual framework for judo)

Shin - Personal Conduct

  • Friendship
  • Courage
  • Sincerety
  • Honour
  • Modesty
  • Respect
  • Self Control
  • Politeness

(The code of conduct is adapted from that expoused by the French Judo Federation, which is in turm base on generic budo qualities.  In French judo system, all children are familiar with these qualities and the logos in the attachment)